Lectures & Presentations


• 6 June 2014, ‘Measuring MT Quality’, Localization World Conference & Exhibits, Dublin (Ireland).

• 14 June 2013, ‘Caravel – A Language Converter’, Localization World Conference & Exhibits, London (England).

• 22 June 2011, ‘Investigación y aplicación de la traducción automática’, round table organised by the Facultat de Traducció de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).

• 2 October 2008, ‘ Automation of terminology tasks using T-Manager ‘, The 13th Annual Internationalisation and Localisation Conference, Dublin (Ireland).

• 15 May 2008, ‘La traducció automàtica com a recurs de traducció’, theme of a round table organised by the Facultat de Traducció de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).

• 10-12 May 2004, ‘LOTS Online: an e-Learning Translation Tools Facility for Translation Professionals’, 6th International Conference on Translation Distance Teaching of Translation and Languages, Barcelona (Spain).

• 11 March 2004, I Jornadas de Traducción Profesional: localización de software, traducción audiovisual y científico-técnica, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid (Spain).

• 24 January 2004, Video conference: ‘Introduction to XML, Centro Tecnológico Altair, Seville (Spain).

• 9 May 2003, ‘El LRC, ELECT y el Laboratorio LOTS ante los desafíos de la localización de eContent’. Localización de Software: de la A a la Z, Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain).

Chair Person at Conferences

• 23 September 2013, 18th Annual LRC Internationalisation & Localisation Conference (“Localisation Technologies and Standards” session).


• 13 October 2011, ‘Managing and customising Terminology for MT”, course delivered to the students of the Masters in Translation at the University of Lille (France).

• 12-26 October 2009, ‘Localization: Tools Overview’, e-learning course organised by Austin Community College, Texas (USA).

• 15 May 2008, ‘Cómo automatizar el post-editing the MT usando expresiones regulares’, workshop at the Facultat de Traducció de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).

• 6 March 2008, ‘Terminology and MT: Automation of terminology tasks using T-Manager v.4.2’, workshop at Dublin College University (DCU), Dublin (Ireland).

• 1-16 October 2006, ‘Localization: Tools Overview’, e-learning course organised by Austin Community College, Texas (USA).

• 1-16 October 2005, ‘Localization: Tools Overview’, e-learning course organised by Austin Community College, Texas (USA).

• 1-16 October 2004, ‘Localization: Tools Overview’, e-learning course organised by Austin Community College, Texas (USA).

• 9-10 September 2004, ‘Curso de Herramientas para Gestión de Projectos de Localización y Tecnologías y Localización de archivos.NET’, Barcelona (Spain).

• 19 June 2003, Localisation Tools Overview, Austin (USA).